His Will, His Timing, and Hindsight is 20/20

It is Sunday morning and I have just finished some quiet time with the Lord... well, I guess I am actually still in it.  I somehow managed to actually get up before everyone, and they stayed asleep.  A rare occassion here that both happen at the same time:)  As I watch the sun rise over our new home state I am thinking about what God has done in our live over the past 11 years of marriage.  Actually, it will be 12 years this month.  While it has been everything I dreamed, it has all come in a completly different way than I dreamed. 

I made it quite clear that I never wanted to move around.  I wanted us and our children to be settled, and my husband agreed.  We just recently completed our 11th moved.  Not all were to different towns, but we did change town 5 times, four of which were towns we had not lived in before.  Not our plans, not our will, but His.

God used that.  He changed me to be better able to move out of my comfort zone.  I had lived in the same town, in the same house, for 18 years  before I went to college.  When I did leave, I went with my best friend and joined by boyfriend of 3 years.  Not THAT much of a change.  I married my high school sweetheart and we completed school in our college town that he had already lived in for a couple of years before I came.  Intant friends more me!  Still not much of a change. 

God knew if I was ever going to have a chance of being successful for Him he had to shake me up, make me move, make me depend more on Him, and make me uncomfortable.  My way was easier, more stable, but His made me more useful for Him.  I have worried about my kids, but then I am reminded they are really His kids, and He has a reason for what is going on in their lives as well. 

Each time we move we are put in the perfect Church to grow in the way He needs us too, and each time we are amazed.  We have made amazing, life long friends with each move, and I would not trade any them for all of the stability in the world. 

There is so much more and I want to share it all.  I hope I can make myself complete this series He has laid on my heart.  His perfect will in His perfect timing has shown so vividly in our lives.  We have learned and grown so much, and I know he wants me to share.

For this post, know that sometimes what you most fear, is what you most need to become everything He created you to be.  Every job change I have had to make, every new Church, every financial and physical hardship has had a specific impact on me to mold me more into what He wants me to be.  I pray that by sharing with you, you can see how he has or will do the same with you.
