How Much Faith Do We Really Want?

I was struck with a most disheartening, almost terrifying thought this morning while reading the Daily Devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries.   In this devotional, the author (Lysa Terkeurst) makes the oh so true statement that to be women of faith, we must live lives that require a little faith.  Most of us live our lives daily in our own little comfort zone, very preditictable for the most part.

  These devotions always have a prayer at the bottom.  I read the prayer, began to pray it, and then the fear set in.  What had I just prayed?  Give me more faith?  Think about that not akin to praying for patience?  The only way to make it stronger is to use it, and the only way it gets used it for it to be tested.

  Do we REALLY want that?  We should.  If we do not, why don't we?  We lives lives that require very little faith most of the time. Do we step out on faith, or do we avoid situations we fear will make God look bad?  I contest that this is worse than unworked faith, rather it is a  lack of faith.  We have to position our lives to collide with God's miracles.  Often we do not have the choice as they are positioned that way for us.  I have been there.  Now I am not.  Now I need to find a way to make God's work evident in my life, giving Him all the glory, and thanking Him for the choice at this time. 

Read the devotional.  Consider this.  Any thoughts?  I would love to hear them!

One last thing.  For some reason I cannot comment on my own posts.  My sweet friend Rachel, whom I recently reconnected with left a comment on my post about cleaning schedules and I could not respond!  I am sorry Rachel.  I am working on that.  Her cleaning routine sounds like the one I had before this week.  I'll be posting soon about how the new schedule we are trying works out.  In the mean time, feel free to chime in on that conversation as well:)

A New Schedule for a New School Year

We are starting a new schedule next week.  I have been blessed with a job that will allow me to work for three hours each morning, and it is going to allow us to put our 2 1/2 year old in a spectacular pre-school program during that time.  Along with that huge blessing, when I get her she will already have had lunch and be ready for nap, so (prayerfully) will have time to write as well in the afternoons.  If that is the case, we will make a little extra each month as well.  I am super excited, but there are a number of what ifs out there as well.  I have no childcare for my first grader on non school days.  My new boss said we will work something out, maybe working from home those days or maybe he can come to the office with me those days.  Either way, this is a huge blessing all around.

I am terrified.  Even working from home I cannot seem to stay on top of housework.  So, I now have a new plan.  It is  one of those that works great on paper but we will see how it really works kind of things.  I have set a daily cleaning schedule and instead of cleaning all in one day we will do a little each day. 

Now, I want to know how many of you have this type of cleaning routine and how yours works.  What do you do daily, weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly?  I need suggestions, and frankly I am wondering how it works for you. 

God Bless,

Mary and Martha Again! A Breakthrough?

Yes... I am back to this.  Our lesson in Sunday School, which at our new Church is called ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) touched on this today.  The lesson was about service, but as soon as they brought up Mary and Martha I could not get past it.  I spent the rest of the time half listening to the teacher and half listing to the Lord try again to work this out in my heart and mind.  Am I the only one who struggles with this?  I have discussed my issues before here with these two women and the particular events of their story noted in Luke 10. 

Here are some of my thoughts on the subject in the past.
  • Neither of them could have had a husband, and we actually never hear of one in scripture.  What husband would actually be happy about a wife sitting around listening to the men, and one important as the LORD, and then find out there is NO FOOD!
  • Wonder what Lazarus would have said if SOMEONE wasn't working on the meal?
Here are some thoughts I had today as I conversed with the Lord. 
  • I (the Lord) fed 5,000 people with two loaves of bread and 5 fish... obviously Martha had underestimated my power.
  • Martha was serving, but where was her heart and with what attitude was she serving with?  I wonder what was going through her head... thoughts like "I have to do all the work."  "I wish I had known they were coming."  and "Why do I have to do it all alone while Mary gets to listen to the Lord speak?" 
I wonder if it would have even occurred to her to be so bold as to almost rebuke the God of the universe if she had be focused on the joys of serving Him rather than being full of negativity.  Would she have even felt that she had been wronged, or could she have actually embraced the opportunity?  I also wonder if the story would have played differently if she had realized he had the power to simply say "Let there be food" and there a a full meal on the table. 

Now, let's apply this practically.  Very, very few of us are going to actually have Jesus in the flesh sitting at our table to create a meal out of thin air.  If we have guests we are going to have to feed them.  So I had the idea, in speaking with the Lord, of "Mary" moments and "Martha" moments.  We MUST create, and be intentional about "Mary" moments.  Take opportunities as they come and create opportunities when need be to sit at the Master's feet.  Whether it be rising early or staying up late to study, praise, pray, journal and other great quiet time "stuff", or taking an opportunity to go to a Lady's Night Out or Women's Conference where His word will be taught. 

By the way, those things are okay for us to attend you know. Of course there are things that can keep us from these activities, conferences and such, legitimately.  However, we should pray for the wisdom to recognize opportunities to spend this time at God's feet.  Go to worship, listen to the preacher, soak in His word at every single opportunity.  Have a Godly radio station playing, practice prayer during the ordinary course of the day such as laundry and dishes.  Be intentional about learning at the foot of His throne.

And in our "Martha" times, watch our attitude.  We must intentionally fight against Satan and take captive every thought for God.  Satan does not control our thoughts unless we let him.  We should spend our times of service in praise to Him as well.  Also, we must not let our "Martha" duties distract us from our "Mary" moments.

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. 

When Honoring is HARD!

With the end of our first summer in our new city comes the possibility of me going back to work full-time.  I have been working part-time from home and I am praising Him everyday for the fun we have had this summer. Those who know me know that this has been a dream I have ahd for a very long time.

 I have gotten to see and do so much with my precious babies, and the opportunity has been nothing but God ordained and made possible by nothing short of miracles from Him.  Still, I continue to apply for jobs full time jobs in an effort to honor my husband.  He feels it will be better for us in this season of our lives, and I truly see his point.

  Early on when I realized he still wanted me to look despite the opportunity to work from home (adequate but not substantial income) I was heartbroken. I wanted to refuse, cry, scream, yell at him that he must not trusts God or believe that I should be home with our kids.  However, I know that he is a Godly husband that relies on the Lord for his wisdom.  I KNOW that he is in constant prayer about this and all other situations regarding our family.  That said, and after much prayer, I heard the Lord tell me that if I truly believed that about my husband, I should submit and do as he asks, and trust that He, God, will work it out.
 I used to think that He (God) wanted me home at all costs, but now I know that may or may not be the case. I used to think it was a sin for me to work outside of the home and that if I had to do it I had sinned in financial decision that put me there.  I know that may sometimes be the case, but I now see a different point of view as well.   If He chooses for me to go back, and He might for whatever reason,  He will also choose the job.  It will be flexible enough for me to still take care of the family he gave me, and He will provide caring, loving childcare for the children He has blessed me with.   Until and unless that time comes, I am at peace knowing He will provide everything we need in our current circumstances.

What are some circumstances in which you found honoring your husband, or God, very, very hard?

Do not forget to join me on Facebook.  I am hoping to grow my page there as well..

Not Gone Forever

So it has been awhile and I hope to get back at it with school getting started up and finally feeling like we are getting settled after the move.  I think there may be some newbies stopping by, so I thought I would post some helpful links for finding out what this blog is all about.  First of all, I post all kinds of stuff, but the point is to share what God has done in my life so others can see how amazine HE is.  I also enjoy learning more about how to be a Godly wife, more like the Proverbs 31 Woman, so I post a lot about that kind of stuff.  I enjoy trying new products and saving money, which is part of that, so I sometimes post reviews and deals that I come across online or locally.  I might write about my morning devotion or something the Lord is working on me about.  Anyway, here are some links to posts that kind of get at the heart of things. Try here, here, and here.  If you are a new friend and you are wondering if I led you here from Facebook, you caught me, lol!  I love new friends and like to share what God has done in, with, and for our family:)