
One of the most frustrating issues of my life has been time. Time to be what God has created me to be. Of course I realize that He has given me ALL the time I need… I just have to prioritize it. So, okay, I know I am first and foremost His child, I am to spend time with Him, get closer to Him, glorify Him, and serve Him. It has taken some time, but I am getting better at doing these things in my everyday, ordinary, “gotta get this done” life. We can glorify Him while doing the laundry! That whole thing is really a life long process…

My frustration is more on the detail level. I am supposed to do laundry, keep the house clean, have nutritious meals on the table, spend quality time with the hubby and kiddos, AND take care of myself. OBVIOUSLY that last one is the first to go…. I mean, seriously. I have read TONS of books on how to organize your day and life to get all of this done, and how to prioritize and weed out so that you are doing ONLY what He means for you to do. There is a kicker though. Almost ALL of them are written by, and therefore from the perspective of stay-at-home or work-from-home moms. Do not get me wrong, my life long desire and the goal of a huge part of what I do daily, survey’s, coupons, etc, etc, etc, are with the sole purpose of being a stay at home mom. I TRULY feel God’s plan is for each of us to raise our own children. You do not have to agree with me, and remember, I am writing this as someone who is NOT at stay-at-home mom. I do not feel I am in line with God’s ultimate desire for my life… however, no one EVER tells you what to do once you are in the boat, for whatever reason. It does not matter why a mother has to work. If it is not a mother’s desire to work, there are ALL kinds of reasons that one my have to, at least for a time. The point is, these mothers, including myself, do not need to hear how they are wrong by working, how they screwed up and now have to work, they need to know how to best serve in their roles as wives and mothers in spite of the fact that they have to work.

Sooo, I am working on a few posts on the subject, and I would like some input… I still struggle with this DAILY. The guilt, the sadness, the desire to cook for every hurting family, teach Sunday and Wednesday classes at Church, have long quite times with the Lord, go to mid-week women’s Bible studies, do crafts with my kids, have date nights with my husband, etc, etc, etc…. these things are there daily. Usually it is all I can do to make sure we have food on the table, clean clothes (even if they aren’t folded and put always) and get everyone bathed and in bed each night.

The first thing I want to tell anyone out there that might be like me, your children are only small for a short time, really. My baby girl is not quite two, but parts of my life are beginning to get easier. I do not ALWAYS have to cook a meal one handed with her on my hip anymore… occasionally I get to fold a load of clothes without her crying around my knees… you get the point. And those days with her will NEVER come back. Cut yourself some slack. Know that although it may seem that the WHOLE WORLD expects you to do it all; your Father in heaven sees everything. He knows when you are doing your best (so be sure you are), and He loves you… the kiddos will grow up and leave, but the laundry will not…


  1. Hi Faith - I'm visiting from iFellowship. I'm having difficulty reading your blog because every time I move to the next line (or paragraph) a "Groupon" or left column button (Encouragement for Today) covers the first few letters of the line.

    Sorry to contact you this way. Feel free to delete when you've received this message.

  2. Hi Faith. I am visiting from iFellowship. I had to work the first year after my daughter was born. It broke my heart to leave her each day. I had help though because when my mother or mother-in-law watched her they always helped with the laundry. It was a huge blessing.

  3. Hi I'm visiting from iFellowship, but I've been here before and I always enjoy coming to your blog!

    I love what you've said - the laundry will always be there - but the sweetness of our little ones is but only for a moment!!!

    Great reminder!

    In between all our busy-ness - I would love for you to come visit me at Living Above.

    Happy iFellowship Day!

  4. Hi I am also visiting from ifellowship. I have not stayed home with either of my girls. I know I'm going to sound crazy, but I know it's what 's right for my family. I too struggled with this since I always thought I would be a stay at home mom. I was guilt ridden to the core until I realized I am right where God needs me to be. Yes, the moments when they are small pass too quickly. That also happens with stay at home moms. When I see my girls, now 10 and 13, my heart doesa dance. We make time at night to talk and usually lay in the bed together and just visit and catch up. Laundry can wait, dirty dishes in the sink can wait. (I speak this because of experience.) Making just a few minutes each day to spend with each child can't wait!

